Created by Marco Fargetta /
Both solution allow to deploy pre-configured services for the user and provide tools to access these services from the application
OpenShift seems very good but it is not public available, it require licence from RedHat
The new component Boson will introduce the idea of reservation and advance reservation
Before any operation a user must allocate resources in Boson and the following request will use these resources
Not plan yet for the integration in the release
JuJu is an orchestrator developed by Canonical with the aim of automatise the deploy of multiple related service in different infrastructure
The demo was very impressive and the
deploy in different clouds
Free available (both client and server) official procedure explained
It is better to look at
Official documentation explain how to deploy each component for development
DevStack is a project providing a tool to download the source code and configure all the components in a single machine for the developers
Available at
Customise Horizon require to modify the code base making it very difficult to maintain
Future version will move the interface to angular.js and will implement a sort of module to hot deploy (like modern CMS)
Time schedule for the migration not defined
Identity federation implemented but only for command line tools and not usable for web application
The proposed solution uses only the SAML ECP profile
Work with Merek Denis from CERN to finalise the integration with SAML ECP
Solution for web application proposed yesterday, waiting for response
Hierarchy Keystone: authentication provided by an external source which may include another keystone
New Token model based on PKI to reduce the communication overhead with keystone to validate the token
Split in two related server: one for the authentication and the other for the authorisation. The first could become optional and the second needed to run the infrastructure
Contributors do not pay fee for OpenStack Summits
Requested an approved commit in the last and/or previous version of OpenStack
A lot of work opportunities